Renegotiating C
2024 / 02 / 19· Rust Memory Safety ·Reading time: 11 minutes

Amid the move to memory safe languages, the people who build and build on C and C++ ought to be recognized. Any of us could be hit by an upheaval of technology in which we’ve invested.

I am tying myself in a knot.

It all started when I read “You (Probably) Don’t Need to Learn C,” a good article which raises good points about the poor arguments people tend to make when defending the choice of learning C in this day and age. First and foremost: “you should learn C so you know how a computer really works.” The article itself refers then to David Chisnall’s “C is Not a Low-Level Language,” so I’ll do the same because it makes the case better than I can. C is not the computer. C is (maybe) the only interface to syscalls exposed by the operating system, depending on the system. C is (definitely) an important part of computing history and computing today.

And yet… “Some Were Meant for C.” When I was an undergraduate I had a classmate who insisted on doing every assignment, regardless of the class we were taking, in C. This was in a program which used C++ almost exclusively, except for the “Software Engineering” class in Java, the web development classes in the obligatory JavaScript, or the delightful programming languages class which covered Java, Prolog, Scheme, and… C.

Anyway, this classmate insisted C was the best language, the most elegant, the one in which all of his ideas could be put to the machine in exactly the way he intended. I didn’t understand it at the time, why he would think that, how he could think that. I toiled in the sweatshop of C++, found slight solace in Haskell code I could appreciate but neither write nor understand. Eventually I found Rust, and… well… I like Rust.

Several years after I graduated, I was invited back to teach that same old programming languages class after the prior professor, Dr. Richard Botting, had passed away. It was essentially an emergency, as the Computer Science department didn’t have enough faculty to cover the number of sessions of the class they needed. They were hiring more, but it would take time, and they needed someone fast.

By this point I was thoroughly Rust-brained. I’d written my fair share of Rust code, become the sole Rust evangelist at work, presented at Rust Belt Rust, and written most of the Rust Frequently Asked Questions answers. I was, through and through, a Rustacean. So when I was given the opportunity to teach a class, a class that included C in its curriculum, my only question was: “can I change the languages?”

I was told “yes,” and so I swapped out Haskell for Scheme, and Rust for C.

The full details of this experience became the focus of my talk at RustConf. The important bit is this… during the talk I made a joke: “I replaced C with Rust, because it’s 2017.” Good joke. Everybody laugh. It was an easy jab at a language against which Rust was clearly positioned as an alternative, said to an audience all too certain to appreciate it. After all, who doesn’t love being told they’re doing the better thing?

However, in the intervening years, some context in the broader ecosystem has changed. First, a number of companies, their materials dutifully collected by Alex Gaynor and then reported further by Consumer Reports, started to report about the prevalence of memory safety vulnerabilities in their software. The numbers break down to roughly 70% across many large organizations. That’s a big number!

Consumer Reports bumping the news was also a big deal. It helped take the topic across the barrier of “things the computer nerds talk about” and over to “things the policy world talks about.”

There also started to be bigger, more noticeable cyber security events where software security in particular was in question (not just security from the interconnection of systems and their surprising interactions, but literal “the software did an oopsie with memory” kinds of vulnerabilities leading to exploitation). Heartbleed, a major vulnerability in OpenSSL. Log4Shell, where people suddenly realized how omnipresent and hard to identify or update some of this software is.

Not all of this is memory safety related, but I think the memory safety angle seems appealing to policymakers because it seems both achievable, and relatively clear. If someone says they have a new building technique for houses that means a substantial portion of houses that would fall over today wouldn’t fall over in the future, you as a policy maker would probably find that pretty appealing?

So why did memory safety suddenly feel possible? I think the answer, unintentionally, is Rust.

Memory safety isn’t new. Even in the latest guidance from CISA they list a number of non-Rust memory safe languages, used on all sorts of widespread platforms. But crucially, lots of the “big,” “important,” real-world stuff is written in C or C++. They’re what the grown-ups use. They weren’t memory safe, and there wasn’t really a language which bundled up all the assurance guarantees you might want into a package which is easy to use.

Yeah, some people would write secure C, they’d follow the MISRA guidelines or they’d run a bunch of analyzers or they’d hire some consultants to audit the code and give them the okay. At the end of the day, none of those things had the ease of what you get with a new language that plays in the same sandbox and has memory safety right out of the gate. So C and C++ retained their distinction, and their cool, by existing in a little exurb outside of the megalopolis of memory safety, secure in the knowledge that no one could really do better without them.

Rust coming along doesn’t just challenge that security, it upends that security. I think this is part of why Bjarne Stroustrup and the C++ Directions Group have written things about security and safety that have seemed, at best, difficult to follow, and at worst filled with anxiety and defensive about the essential nature and continuing compelling pitch of C++. They haven’t been at risk before! To reference an old film, “Oh! I’m in pain. I think this is what pain feels like.”

This is not to say that either language has been resting on their laurels, or that Rust is set to sweep them off the stage. Despite the imagined lurking of a Rust Evangelism Strike Force prepared to assist C and C++ in shuffling off their mortal coils, I do not think it is the expectation of technical leaders at major tech companies, nor policy makers or thinktankers, to fully eliminate C and C++. There’s too much of both languages around today to get rid of, and we know that replacing old code with new code has a tendency to introduce new vulnerabilities anyway. In the field of a settled graveyard, we must be careful digging things up.

Instead, and you can see this borne out in the responses to the recent ONCD Request for Input on open source software security, many if not most of the respondents recommend a transition of new code efforts from C and C++ into memory safe languages, with caution, careful prioritization, and accompanied by other assurance techniques when such a transition is not feasible or prudent, along with careful protection and further assurance of the C and C++ code we already have.

Nor, as I think you’ll find, do the policy documents, academic papers, and thinktank recommendations floating around recommend that everyone transition to Rust specifically. Rust might be the language that helped break the dam on memory safety, but it is not the only memory safe language. There are many still who recall the mess of Ada becoming a mandatory programming language in some contexts, and who do not wish to repeat such an enforced monoculture.

So, to bring it back around, why am I in a knot? I have, through personal preference and a happy accident of history, invested substantial personal time and energy into building my knowledge and establishing a degree of personal branding around a programming language that is now after many years winning. Rust is winning. It’s being mentioned in Congressional hearings and recommended by federal agencies. It’s used all over the globe. You can get real jobs in it now. Why am I troubled?

I think we’re in the middle of a grand renegotiation of what C means and what C++ means, or what they are in the context of programming, now that they’re no longer hegemonic powers. To borrow from geopolitics a tad, this is the slow decline of twin empires and the entrance of a new multipolar world. It is new, and different, and exciting, but also… sad?

I think I’m in knots because I look at the people who have invested so much in C or C++, who now wrestle with the challenges of what this new world means for them, and I think that could well be me, down the line. None of us are guaranteed that we back the right horse in our selections of technologies to learn or “teams” to invest in. None of us are guaranteed that we win.

Which brings me back to the joke, and my discomfort with it now. Back then, I wanted to win. I wanted to be superior; to be on the best side, with the best language. I wanted to be better.

I’d like to share a video. It’s of Simon Peyton Jones, a major contributor to Haskell, sitting with other programming language geeks at a conference years ago. In the video he explains, happily, that Haskell is useless, but is slowly becoming more useful. In the video, the other participants, themselves major contributors to other languages, jump in with their own funny anecdotes and comments. When I first watched this in my early 20’s I thought it was kinda silly, kinda funny. What I see now is that all of these people were friends. They weren’t competitors; in fact they readily copy each other and learn from each other. In the video they talk about how Haskell learned things from C#!

It’s easy to form cliques, its easy to form monocultures. It’s easy to want to win, and when you win it’s easy to gloat.

As the march toward memory safety policy moves closer, I see more and more angst in the comments from C and C++ programmers who are fighting tooth and nail to preserve the best parts of the thing they love, or to defend themselves and their own prior choices. I see fear and concern that Rust will become the one true way they will be forced to take.

Even as we admit that C and C++’s guarantees are no longer sufficient for the security needs of the day, given the vast important of the software systems we use and maintain, I don’t think we need to condemn the people who have invested in it, or further mock the C and C++ languages. There are good people involved in them who are trying hard to improve things, and any work we do today is built on the shoulders of people who came before and tried other things which may or may not have worked. There wouldn’t be Rust without C++, I imagine, to have paved the way with many of its own design considerations and choices.

I don’t know how this transition will work out. We’re in the middle of a grand renegotiation whose outcome is uncertain. I’m excited to see where it goes.

Yet as I look out across the vista, and see the shore and opportunity that lies out of sight beyond it, as I board a ship and begin to sail, I can look below me and remember, “Some Were Meant for C”.

Copyright Andrew Lilley Brinker. Made with ❤ in California