Softlocking APIs
2024 / 04 / 04· API Design ·Reading time: 5 minutes

We can learn from case studies of APIs forever trapped by past decisions. Just like a video game can softlock and become impossible to progress, so too can APIs become softlocked by technical and social commitments.

“Softlocking” is a term in the world of video games where a game is playable, but can’t make forward progress. Usually this means the game has a bug, or that the designers and quality assurance testers missed some combination of steps that leads to an inability to complete the game. It’s basically a video game version of “livelock” failures in concurrent programs, but “softlock” is (to me) the more fun term, so let’s use it.

There are situations in API design where the API is softlocked into a broken design which can’t be fixed. This can happen for a few reasons:

  1. The API makes specific guarantees around what is allowed to change, and one of the things that’s not allowed to change would have to change to fix the issue.
  2. Changing the broken API would result in breaking some uses of it, and the API maintainers have a policy of not breaking users.
  3. Changing the broken API would result in severe performance problems without much broader API changes which are untenable for reasons 1 or 2.

There are some interesting examples of this in the wild, including:

  • The C standard can’t fix the definition of intmax_t, because of how C linking works and C’s guarantee not to break the Application Binary Interface (ABI). You can read a good explanation of this from JeanHeyd Meneide.
  • PowerShell can’t fix its support for .NET classes, because of specific constraints on how PowerShell scripts are defined and executed, along with breakage issues. The PowerShell issue tracker shows the extensive issues still open after more than 6 years because of this.

In this situation, the tension basically arises between three remaining choices:

  • Break users by changing the known-broken API anyway.
  • Introduce a new thing that isn’t broken and encourage users to migrate.
  • Accept the brokenness and do your best to mitigate around the edges of it.

All of these have serious challenges associated with them.

First, breaking users is a big deal. People get very upset when software that works today stops working tomorrow because something changed underneath them. Depending on the scale of breakage, the required work to respond to it may also be substantial. In the C case, breaking the ABI means all users of the changed API would need to recompile their code in order to link successfully, and they might not even know they need to do that because the broken linked code may just silently do the wrong thing.

Breaking users puts software projects at risk of community fracture or project abandonment, and should never be taken lightly.

Second, introducing a new API raises the question of how you tell people to move to the new API. It becomes something you have to permanently document and direct people toward. In some cases (looking at C again), you may also have a policy of not introducing new warnings for people, so you may not even be able to mark the old broken API as deprecated to programatically warn users away from it, relying solely on documentation and public communication.

You often also end up beholden to supporting both the old known-broken thing and the new thing, forever (or at least for an extended period). This burden of double maintenance can be substantial and may strain the resources of the software project.

Third, accepting the brokenness means the API remains broken, and you now have a wart in your system which you will still likely want to warn people to stay away from through documentation and socialization amongst software engineers. You basically decide not to solve a problem because the solutions are worse. It also opens up the possibility that the accumulation of unfixable problems may one day give rise to a completely different alternative project that is not constrained by the limits of compatibility with poor decisions from the past.

All of this is to say that making commitments about stability and API guarantees can be a fraught issue, and that even if explicit commitments aren’t made, users will often rely on observable attributes of a design anyway, and thereby constrain you. There are no guarantees that you can avoid accidentally softlocking into a bad design, and in the end the ways out of it are shaped both by the remaining flexibility you do have to induce breakage, both technically and (possibly more importantly) socially.

Systemic designs which promote modularity and interconnectedness, like the C model of separately compiled object files which may be linked together, have many benefits, but they also have the trade-off of locking in prior decisions in ways that can substantially constrain future improvement. Care must be taken in API design to avoid API softlocks, and more importantly to establish processes for managed evolution in ways that mitigate pain for users while maximizing flexibility for API maintainers, along with the social infrastructure for documentation and communication to manage transitions. Only with those in place can you avoid the pain of API design softlocks.

Copyright Andrew Lilley Brinker. Made with ❤ in California