The “xz” Backdoor
2024 / 03 / 29· Supply Chain Security ·Reading time: 3 minutes

Reduction is seductive in the information-sparse environment immediately after a security event. Resisting reduction, gathering facts, and breaking down multivariate causes and responses is more productive.

Another big security event happened.

This time, it’s that the “xz” project was backdoored. The full details and impact of the attack are still being understood, with Linux distros and other systems that have integrated the malicious code now raising their antibodies and responding. This will continue as we figure out the scope, and secondary impacts and recommended next steps like rotating SSH keys and detecting if individual systems have been compromised will no doubt come as well.

When big security events like this happen, people often quickly try to identify causes, and (more importantly) fixes to make sure it doesn’t happen again. Often, individuals are working on systems, tools, or standards which are in some way relevant, and rush to explain how their preferred solution is actually the right solution for this exact thing. People may also look for how this new story validates their prior beliefs about systemic problems, like underinvestment in security or poor support for open source software maintainers.

Of course, security is in many ways like any other complex system failure, and complex systems do not fail for one reason. They fail for many reasons, and they generally operate in states of partial failure at all times. This means there is no one cause, and no one solution. It also means ideas for single solutions generally end up being reductive, and arguments collapse into ideas for singular fix-alls, followed by nitpicking about all the little cases that aren’t solved. Little progress ends up being made.

In this situation, it’s likely there are many things we could do to make the complex system of open source software more secure and resilient to this kind of failure. Some solutions may not themselves fix immediate problems, but might make other solutions more viable by standardizing or simplifying processes in ways that enable automated detection.

SBOMs, reproducible builds, trusted builds in CI, provenance attestations are all things that exist in this general space of making the supply chain more intelligible, especially for automated analysis.

On the human side, we have issues like supporting projects financially to avoid burnout in maintainers, identifying and raising alarms for deeper auditing when maintainers change on trusted open source projects, continuing investment in analysis and improvement to “critical” open source projects like “xz” which are incorporated widely.

I won’t pretend to have a silver bullet for this situation, and if anyone else IS pretending they’ve found the solution, they’re likely selling you something. Especially when the software community is still hard at work reconstructing the timeline of factual events and understanding the scope of the impact, it’s too soon to say what all the fixes or systemic improvements would be. As for counterfactual claims of what “would have” avoided it, these are slippery swords in the best of times.

At the end of the day, I think we’re best off slowing down on speculation, focusing on the facts of what happened, what the impact is, and how to respond to it to mitigate risk and harden systems. As we learn more, we can also prompt useful discussions of systemic change for better security, especially where we can enable better scalable discovery or prevention, or raise auditing alarms earlier. All with the recognition that there is no one cause, and no single solution.

Copyright Andrew Lilley Brinker. Made with ❤ in California